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Year 2029: Ground on the Mediterranean coast suddenly collapses. "Oxygen" had suddenly disappeared from within the crust, leaving a huge sink hole 3 km in diameter. Since then more and more "Elements" vanished from the face of the planet. Oxygen, carbon, gold, molybdenum, cobalt...
With the elements gone, forests and fields disappeared. Buildings and ancient ruins, too. And even life itself. 60 years have passed from that day. The population is a mere 10% of what it had been at it's peek. Tireless investigation and research revealed where the elements have gone: they had flowed into another Earth, the "Negative Earth", on the other side of the dimensional wall. To save the planet, a team of "Element Hunters" is formed. Every member is a child under 13 years of age. It turned out that adults don't have the flexible brain tissue necessary to access the "Negative Earth"...

Année 2029 : La terre sur la côte méditerranéenne s'effondre soudainement. "L'oxygène" avait soudainement disparu de l'intérieur de la croûte, laissant un énorme gouffre de 3 km de diamètre. Depuis lors, de plus en plus d'"Éléments" ont disparu de la surface de la planète. Oxygène, carbone, or, molybdène, cobalt...
Avec les éléments disparus, les forêts et les champs ont disparu. Des bâtiments et des ruines antiques aussi. Et même la vie elle-même. 60 ans se sont écoulés depuis ce jour. La population est à peine 10% de ce qu'elle était à son apogée. Des investigations et des recherches inlassables ont révélé où étaient passés les éléments : ils avaient coulé dans une autre Terre, la "Terre Négative", de l'autre côté du mur dimensionnel. Pour sauver la planète, une équipe de "Element Hunters" est formée. Chaque membre est un enfant de moins de 13 ans. Il s'est avéré que les adultes n'ont pas le tissu cérébral flexible nécessaire pour accéder à la "Terre Négative"...
from Bandai

Check out what else is airing this Summer 2009 season.
Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Summer 2009 saison.


Alternative Names: Element Hunters
Genre: Adventure, Science Fiction
The anime will be a science-fiction adventure aimed at children to teach chemical elements. The project is a joint production between Japan and Korea for both television and merchandising.



whoever did this sub didn't intent it to be taken seriously. It was amusing once but doesn't bear repeat viewing.

Michael Eh?

For once, a joke sub does justice to an equally joke of a premise. How one can teach science in the most un-scientific way possible is beyond me. Some how it feels like the sub, lost in translating Pocket Monsters into learning the elemental table. I cringe why this will make YTV. Perfect for Fox Kids and they can keep it.

Club Notes

Review Date: July 13 2009

External Links

Official Website Japanese

Anime News Network

No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes.
The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.