Rewrite - Anime

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In the city Kazamatsuri where tree planting and afforestation have caused the city to become overgrown with trees and flowers in much the same way that other cities are filled by buildings. However, while most of the city appears to be rural, there are many traditional city elements as well. While set in a modern setting, the city also gives off a strange sense of nostalgia.
Tennouji Kotarou lives here. He's a high school student who has the ability to rewrite his own body; he can become stronger and faster at any time he chooses. He investigates supernatural mysteries with five girls from his school.

Dans la ville Kazamatsuri où la plantation d'arbres et le reboisement ont causé la ville de devenir envahi par les arbres et les fleurs de la même manière que d'autres villes sont remplies par des bâtiments. Cependant, alors que la plupart de la ville semble être rural, il y a beaucoup d'éléments de la ville traditionnelle aussi bien. Bien que situé dans un cadre moderne, la ville dégage également un étrange sentiment de nostalgie.
Tennouji Kotarou vit ici. Il est un élève du secondaire qui a la capacité de réécrire son propre corps; il peut devenir plus fort et plus rapide à tout moment qu'il choisit. Il étudie les mystères surnaturels avec cinq filles de son école.
from VNDB

Check out what else is airing this season. Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette saison.


Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, School Life, Supernatural
Demographic/Démographique: Seinen
Adapted from the game/Adapté du jeu ReWrite


Michael Eh?

Confusing as fu** as each character that is introduced only makes the plot even more confusing. It seems each character in turn reminds me of another Key character which only makes things worse or seems even improbable. How does a little kid with an eye patch end up being the senior high school student? Beats me. Mysterious person who trying to kill you is trying to save you and give you hickies as you sleep. Seriously the only real character is the one who is being stood up for a fight. Maybe he's trying to beat some sense into this plot line... if there is one yet. Maybe once they get through this first episode of trying to cram too many players in this game it will start make a good show and some sense.

Club Notes/Remarques du Club

No notes at this time/Pas de notes en ce moment

External Links/Liens Externes

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