Anime London Wiki:Community Portal

From Anime London Wiki
Revision as of 18:41, 9 April 2007 by Michael Eh? (talk | contribs)
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Currently, we have a private section of the forum for those invited to play test MediaWiki on Anime London.


April 1 2007

Current projects is to come up with a format for review pages. At this time the reviews of 2007 are being worked on. The existing data from review section has been transfered and fleshing out the rest of the data which has to be created. Stuff like review date, review year, a better plot synopsis of the series other technical information about the show.

I will be working on sprucing up the interface and ironing out the settings. Also there might be momentary outages as the original upload to the directory was corrupt.

I will be posting links to editing wiki as well as discussion on what format the review wiki should take. As well, I will try to work with UltraRob to get a list of shows we watched prior to the website and when we started reviewing.

Getting started MediaWiki

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.