a high school student named Takumi Nishijō who unknowingly walks into the scene of a gruesome murder on his way home. More mysterious events starts happening afterwards as more gruesome murders occurs in the area. Takumi struggles to cope with reality and the delusions he experiences as he tries to avoid getting caught by the perpetrator behind the chain of murders.
Genre: Game, Mystery, Suspence, Romance, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Horror
Demographic: Shounen
Based on a visual Novel (PC/Xbox game) by 5pb. & Nitroplus. Also released as a manga.
Episode 1 left me @_@ I plan to catch up on this one, with subs (i think i'll need them for everything not Yocchin) and see how-- um... strange it's been going since episode 1, which was extremely insane on it's own.
Club Notes
No Notes at this time
External Links
Official Website Japanese
Anime News Network
Manga Updates
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