Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru

Haga is one of the debuggers that gets stuck in the world of an incomplete VR game. Though he eradicates a monster from a village, the destruction event that ends with the villagers' deaths triggers without fail. However, Nicola, the villager girl he saves, revives before his eyes.
Haga est l'un des débogueurs qui reste coincé dans le monde d'un jeu VR incomplet. Bien qu'il éradique un monstre d'un village, l'événement de destruction qui se termine par la mort des villageois se déclenche sans faute. Cependant, Nicola, la villageoise qu'il sauve, ressuscite sous ses yeux.
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Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: Quality Assurance in Another World
Author/Auteur: SATOU Masamichi
Artist/Artiste: SATOU Masamichi
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Game, Isekai
Demographic/Démographique: Seinen
Adapted from the manga/Adapté du manga
Michael Eh?
Trapped in a VR world. Given the success of Sword Art Online this is no death game but it's a definite twist of this type of genre. Lots of glitches in this plot let more glitches than games.
Another interesting twist on the isekai/VR game trope. The animation is decent enough, no awards, but its not horrid to look at. Th character designs are at least more distinctive than average. What did occur to me is that our MC gets some interesting character development - he has lived through the same scenario before, yet still manages to keep his optimism and his kindness. That's not easy to do when you are in a time loop type scenario that always ends in tragedy. an interesting twist on familiar plot elements for those interested.
Mr. G
Not bad. Has a somewhat original look to the character art. Interesting monster designs. Takes the video game conceit and runs with it. Very funny, tragicomic end to the episode.
With great power comes serious hassles. I think I've seen that theme in other isekais as well -- and this guy seems to be, basically, a god in the game.
Club Notes/Remarques du Club
Date Reviewed: July 23, 2024
Watched along with Dungeon no Naka no Hito
External Links/Liens Externes
Official Website/Site officiel Japanese Twitter
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No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.