Zombie Fairy
In ZOMBIE FAIRY, a boy named Aoto brings a family heirloom — a coffin — to a Japanese TV show to determine its worth. Suddenly, a 400-year-old Chinese girl named Chun-Ai pops out of the coffin. In a trance-like state, she becomes violent and super-strong and trashes the studio. After she emerges from her trance and calms down, Aoto decides he has no choice but to bring her home, where his quirky family agrees to take her in. But they soon find themselves in over their heads — Chun-ai is quickly joined by a friend from the past, and then they find themselves in the middle of a deadly battle with a giant, raging tiger spirit.
from CMX
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Alternative Names: Kyonshii Sennyo
Author: TORII Daisuke
Genre: Supernatural
No Notes at this time
No Reviews at this time.
External Links
Official Website [Japanese]
CMX Manga
DC Comics has shut its CMX Manga imprint down as of July 1 2010
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