Barbara - Manga

Wandering the packed tunnels of Shinjuku Station, famous author Yosuke Mikura makes a strange discovery: a seemingly homeless drunk woman who can quote French poetry. Her name is Barbara. He takes her home for a bath and a drink, and before long Barbara has made herself into Mikura's shadow, saving him from egotistical delusions and jealous enemies. But just as Mikura is no saint, Barbara is no benevolent guardian angel, and Mikura grows obsessed with discovering her secrets, tangling with thugs, sadists, magical curses and mythical beings - all the while wondering whether he himself is still sane.
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Alternative Names: Barubora
Author: TEZUKA Osamu
Artist: TEZUKA Osamu
Genre: Drama, Mature, Psychological, Romance
Demographic: Seinen
No Notes at this time
No Reviews at this time.
External Links
Official Website [Japanese]
Platinum Manga
Manga Updates
Anime News Network
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